Fulfillment of promises of mayors in the governing term 2017 - 2021


On its electronic platform, GAP Institute published "Municipal Identity Card", the latest assessment on the fulfillment of promises of mayors, from the 2017 local elections. This monitoring includes the fulfillment of promises for the four-year term, 2017 - 2021.

Out of a total of 913 promises given by 26 current mayors, 467 promises have been fully fulfilled, 165 promises have been partially fulfilled, for 159 promises there have been initiatives to fulfill them, whereas 122 promises have not been fulfilled at all. Compared to the previous term (2013-2017), when 47% of the promises were fulfilled, 51% of the promises were fulfilled in the current mandate.  

The least fulfilled promises turn out to be in the field of urbanization, public services and education. On the other hand, the promises that have been fulfilled the most are those relating to social welfare, health and public administration.

In this governing term, GAP Institute monitored the fulfillment of promises in 26 out of 38 municipalities, as 12 of the current mayors did not campaign at all in 2017 (Skenderaj, Mamusha and Serb-majority municipalities).

Of the 122 unfulfilled promises, 95% fell under the competence of municipalities, while 5% turned out to be promises whose fulfillment depended on inter-institutional cooperation.

By assessing the fulfillment of election promises, GAP Institute aims to hold elected mayors accountable for the promises made. This activity has been implemented in cooperation with local organizations.

Through the "Municipal Identity Card” project, GAP Institute will continue monitoring the fulfillment of promises in the next governing term, 2021 -2025.

To see the details of the promises given and the progress made in their fulfillment, please visit the GAP Institute electronic platform by clicking on the link: http://www.komunat.institutigap.org/Premtimet

Infographs can be found hereHTTPS://BIT.LY/3C8WEEE