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GAP in:
Public Policies
GAP Monitor
State Budget
Road safety and transportation data
Municipal ID
European Reform Agenda
Transparenca Buxhetore e Komunave
State Budget
Municipal ID
Transparenca Buxhetore e Komunave
Road safety and transportation data
European Reform Agenda
Employment and Representation of Women in Central Public Enterprises in Kosovo
GAP Institute presented the findings of the report "Open Budget Survey 2023 for Kosovo"
Draft Budget 2025- Analysis of Budget Revenues and Expenditures
2023 Municipal Budget Transparency Index
Networking Potentials for Women-owned and Minority-owned Businesses in Kosovo
Employment of Kosovars in Germany and Kosovo: sectors and salaries based on purchasing power
Progress of mayors in fulfilling election promises during 2021 -2025 mandate
GAP organized a roundtable discussion where it published the report: Municipal Budget Planning for 2025
Challenges in Subsidy and Grants Allocation by the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports and Digitalization as a Tool for Increasing Efficiency
Investments through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Kosovo and the way forward
The need for establishing an Independent Fiscal Institution in Kosovo
Reward games in Kosovo in absence of a legal basis
Market Access Challenges and Opportunities for Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Businesses in Kosovo
GAP published the report "Propensity to emigrate from Kosovo following visa liberalization: implications for the workforce"
Between ambition and reality: Establishment of new local publicly owned enterprises in Kosovo
more publications
Goverments Support to Improving Energy Efficiency - Western Balkan 6
Open Budget Survey 2023 - Kosovo
Call for applications : Writing contest for bachelor and master students
Draft Budget 2025: Analysis of Budget Revenues and Expenditures
2023 Municipal Budget Transparency Index
GAP infographics
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Import of diesel cars in Kosovo (2022 -2024)
Top exported products from Kosovo (2022 - 2024)
Top export destinations (2022 - 2024)
Realization of the budget for capital investments by municipalities (January - September 2024)
GAP Monitor
more GAP monitor
Distance Learning in Pandemic Times: Case Study in the Municipalities of Prizren, Obiliq and Hani i Elezit
Inclusion of Women, Youth and Non-Majority Communities in the Economic Recovery Package
Kosovos approach towards foreigners and asylum seekers
Challenges of Centers for Social Work in Kosovo during the COVID-19 Pandemic
GAP in media
more from media
Endlich reisen! Die Kosovaren machen von der neuen Visafreiheit regen Gebrauch
Kosovo youth train as bakers, waiters to get quick jobs abroad
Au Kosovo, l’espoir de tordre le cou à la corruption
Kosovo re-elects firebrand former prime minister likely to take harder line on Serbia peace talks
GAP video
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Për 3 muaj muajt e fundit të vitit 2024 Prishtina shpenzon buxhet më shumë se për 9 muaj
Arsimi, drejtësia e qeverisja lokale, disa nga fushat ku pushteti s’realizoi premtimet
Migrimi: Alternativë për të papunët dhe ata me paga të ulëta
Info plus: Zhvillimi ekonomik
GAP public policies
Based on GAP Institute comments MED cancels the proceeding of the draft document on Kosovo Participation Agency
US Ambassador Greg Delawie praises GAP Institute’s success in pushing the government to revoke its decision which forgave the debts of bottled water producers
As recommended by GAP Institute - Kosovo government revokes illegal decision to forgive debts for bottled water producers
In line with GAP Institute recommendations KCA provides professional opinion on vehicles’ homologation administrative instruction