2021 Municipal Budget Transparency Index


Today, GAP Institute published the report "Municipal Budget Transparency Index 2021". The report provides an assessment of the budget transparency of municipalities in Kosovo, ranking municipalities based on best performance. The assessment is based on the number of published budget documents, the organization of budget hearings with citizens and responds to the requests of the GAP Institute for access to budget documents.

In the 2021 Index, the budget transparency of the municipalities was at a higher level. The average score of the Index for all municipalities has increased to 53.1 points from 51.5 in 2020. This increase comes as a result of organizing more budget hearings (22 more than in 2020). Out of a total of 100 points of the Index, about 65% of the municipalities managed to collect more than 50 points. The municipalities of Lipjan, South Mitrovica and Rahovec have achieved the maximum points in the assessment.

In the 2021 Index, compared to 2020, 17 municipalities have shown progress in budget transparency, while 16 municipalities have shown regression. The municipality of Drenas (+25 points), Municipality of Mamusha (+23.5 points) and Municipality of Lipjan (+20 points) recorded progress. While regression in points was shown by: Municipality of Shtime, with 31 points less; Municipality of Shtërpce, with 27.5 points less; and the Municipality of Partesh with 15 points less (which now has zero points).

During 2021, municipalities have published 256 budget documents (16 less than last year). Out of 38 municipalities, only 18 of them have published all the budget documents that they are obliged to publish according to the MLGA Administrative Instruction for budget transparency in municipalities, while the rest of the municipalities have not published other important budget documents. Moreover, during the year 2021, the municipalities of Kosovo have recorded regression in terms of the percentage of publication of gender-responsive budgeting documents.

The full report can be found HERE