2023 Municipal ID


Today, in Gjilan, GAP Institute organized a roundtable discussion and published its report “2023 Municipal ID”.

This report provides the trend of the main developments at the municipal level and includes areas such as demography, economy, education, public services, social issues, budgetary aspects, revenues, expenses and debts, capital investments and annual turnover of businesses, the number of businesses that are registered and are closed over the years, and in the end, the aspects of budget transparency and human resources that the local government has, in general, for each municipality separately.

GAP Institute has published a series of reports called Municipal ID since 2009, focusing on the main developments in Kosovo municipalities, providing comparable data between years and between sectors.

This years report shows that in half of Kosovos municipalities there is a decrease in the number of the population, in only three municipalities there is an increase in the number of students in preschool, primary and secondary education; there is a decrease in the number of citizens in social assistance schemes; in most municipalities, men make up the majority of employees and those who receive the budget for salaries, etc.

The round table was attended by representatives of municipal directorates from the Municipality of Gjilan, Kamenica and civil society organizations.

The discussions of the participants at the roundtable focused mainly on the findings of the report and on the need to draw up concrete municipal plans to address the identified problems.

To read the full report click here