Migration of Kosovans to Germany: Statistical Analysis


Today, GAP Institute published the statistical report “Migration of Kosovans to Germany: Statistical Analysis”, in which it analyzes the data on emigration of Kosovans to Germany using the results of microcensuses from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany for the years 2010 - 2022.

Some of the main findings of the report show that according to the latest estimation of 2022, 542 thousand people with a migration background from Kosovo live in Germany, of which 330 thousand were born in Kosovo.

Out of 542 thousand people, 289 thousand (53%) are men, while 254 thousand (47%) are women. By comparing the data of 2022 with those of 2010, it is ascertained that the number of citizens originating from Kosovo living in Germany has almost doubled. Consequently, in a period of 12 years, an increase from 291 thousand to 542 thousand is noted, which results in 251 thousand (86%) more people with a migration background from Kosovo. In 2021, 21,468 people entered Germany from Kosovo, and 4,323 people originating from Kosovo left Germany, resulting in a net migration of 17,164.

In the 2022 microcensus, 110 thousand people declared that family reunification is the main reason for their migration from Kosovo to Germany; 85 thousand people declared that the main reason is escape, asylum-seeking, and international protection; 64 thousand declared employment as a reason; and 41 thousand emigrated to start a family.

Data from 2022 show that out of a total of 330 thousand people born in Kosovo, the average age at the time they immigrated to Germany was 22 years old. Also, out of 264 thousand Kosovars active in the labor market in Germany, 251 thousand are employed, while 13 thousand are unemployed.

This report also presents data on education, division by age groups, household structure, monthly net income, etc.

The full report can be found by clicking Here.